Motor Latch Retraction Kit, Fits DesignHardware Devices, 400Ma Inrush, 180Ma Continuous, at 24DC Only 1 Amp Power Required, Exit Device Part
The SDC LR100 Series Electric Latch Retraction Kit enables electric access control and dogging of mechanical exit devices. When energized the motor retracts the exit device latch and pulls the pushpad on most devices into the dogged (depressed) position enabling momentary or sustained push and pull operation of the door.
Simultaneous latch retraction and dogging (pushpad depressed) for most exit devices
Pushpad is depressed electrically for quieter push / pull operation
700 mA Inrush, 200 mA Continuous @ 24VDC
For access control and sustained dogging applications
Simultaneous latch retraction and dogging (pushpad depressed)
for most exit devices
Pushpad is depressed electrically for quieter
push / pull operation
Automatic re-trigger if device does not pull on first try
LR100JAK — SDC Exit Device Part
Motor Latch Retraction Kit for Jackson 20 Series, 450mA Inrush, 180mA Continuous, at 24DC Only 1 Amp Power Required, for up to 2 Exit Devices
The SDC LR100...
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