747E HPC Scotsman Econo Tubular Key Machine
The tubular lock was invented in 1934 and was developed specifically as a high-security alternative to the common commercial lock cylinder. Today, tubular locks are found virtually everywhere, from alarm switches to vending machines, from cam locks to motorcycle ignitions. Tubular locks continue to be an essential part of the security picture as a whole. For a locksmith to be successful in today’s market he or she must be able to produce all types of keys for their customers, including tubular keys.
The Tubular Duplicut™ is a heavy-duty tubular key duplicator. It duplicates 7-pin standard sized tubular keys with spaces in any position and cuts of any depth. It also can create a new key from an HPC Tubular Pick. The Tubular Duplicut™ provides an economical key cutting solution for standard sized tubular keys.
Tubular Keys:
Also known as “Ace Type Keys” or “Round Keys”. The tubular key is designed to actuate locks which are constructed with the pin tumblers arranged in a circular fashion. The key is constructed with a cylindrical body designed to enter the keyway of such a lock. Various cuts which appear on the circumference of this key allow the pin tumblers of the lock to be depressed to the proper depth thereby meeting a common shear line, and allowing the lock to turn. Proper arrangement and depth of these cuts is critical in order for the lock to be actuated smoothly and efficiently.
“Small” Tubular Keys: Less common than the standard size, this key measures .365”/9.27mm in outside diameter. Use HPC/Scotsman 137SB key blanks.
“Standard” Tubular Keys: This is the most common of the tubular key family
Motor: 120VAC/60 cycle or 240VAC/50 cycle (1.2 amp 1/15hp) (.8 amp 1/13hp)
Weight: 7 lbs./3.2 kg.
Machine Size: 16”W x 4”D x 4 1/2” H 40cm W x 10cm D x 11.5cm H