Suitable for Moderate to Heavy-Traffic Doors in Office Buildings, Hospitals, Schools, Hotels, Restaurants, Nursing Homes, Apartments and Retail Complexes
Shipped with Closer Body, Slider-Type Arm, Parallel Arm Bracket, Wood Screws, Machine Screws, Sex Nuts and Bolts and Parallel Arm Shoe
Non-Handed for Standard, Top-Jamb and Parallel Arm Installations
Sweeping and Latching Speeds are Controlled by Separate, Adjustable Regulating Valves to Provide Consistent Closing Speed
GENERAL LOCK | C9016 695Door Closer, Heavy Duty, Surface Mount, Non-Handed, Backcheck, 1-6 Adjustable Size, Tri-Pack, Duronodic/Dark Bronze, With Full Cover Features Suitable for...